Registration for 2020
All members are required to register themselves for the year 2020 on this page. Please answer all the questions and then submit them. You can either pay with paypal or send in a cheque to; ICTF Canada, 20 Fawcett Crescent, St. Albert, AB, T8N 1W3
Only ICTF Canada members of black belt level who run/own schools or are the senior black belt in a school can register for this membership. If you would like to be involved with ICTF Canada as a community member, parent, Colour belt athlete, please contact us via our contact form for membership options.
Only ICTF Canada members of black belt level who run/own schools or are the senior black belt in a school can register for this membership. If you would like to be involved with ICTF Canada as a community member, parent, Colour belt athlete, please contact us via our contact form for membership options.