ICTF Insurance Protocol
The insurance policy for ICTF of Canada is a group policy that covers and protects all members equally. Each member, instructor, black belt, or club owner has a responsibility to adhere to the intent of the policy. The policy is a community document that effects everyone if a situation occurs. If a law suit is started at one club the repercussions would affect every member in Canada in some way. The students involved in the altercation would have one suing the other. Included in that lawsuit would be the club owner or senior black belt (in the case of a non profit) and the black belt who was teaching that particular class, as well as all executive members of that club (again in the case of a non profit), and additionally the ICTF of Canada executive members. If negligence is found then the possibility of our policy not covering us would be present. This would mean that we would personally be liable and our personal property would be subject to the lawsuit. After the lawsuit was settled all other members of the policy would find that the policy fee would be increased due to a claim having been brought forward, or the policy may be cancelled in its entirety. This would mean that individual clubs would have to obtain their own insurance which would cost much more than our policy base rates.
policy intent
The policy states that it is intended to cover non contact or accidental touch contact martial arts only. Any other types of training at your club is not covered under this policy. If you have Zumba classes or weight training for example, they are not covered. In regards to the martial art training any negligent actions could be cause for a law suit. To ensure a complete understanding of this issue a list of examples is included at the end of this paragraph. The list is not 100% inclusive of all negligent actions, but is only a small sample.
reporting protocol
Concerns dealing with possible negligent behavior can be brought to the attention of any ICTF Canada executive member through any means. Instructors, students, parents or peers can express their concerns.
The issue will be considered as factual until proven false.
First contact will be to the instructor of the club in question. They will be told of the issue and asked to explain it. If they confirm the action, sanction protocol will then be followed. If they deny the action further investigation will be considered.
Further investigation may include interviewing members of the club, additional questions to the complainant, or other means of verifying if the issue is false.
sanction protocol
Upon confirming a negligent action a letter of warning will be issued to the club in question. The letter will state the issue, demand immediate cessation of the action(s), advise the club of a reduction in the yearly membership bonus, and warn of the consequences of a second infraction of any kind. This letter will remain on file.
first offence – letter of warning, as per sanction protocol
second offence – removal of club from the group policy
The insurance policy for ICTF of Canada is a group policy that covers and protects all members equally. Each member, instructor, black belt, or club owner has a responsibility to adhere to the intent of the policy. The policy is a community document that effects everyone if a situation occurs. If a law suit is started at one club the repercussions would affect every member in Canada in some way. The students involved in the altercation would have one suing the other. Included in that lawsuit would be the club owner or senior black belt (in the case of a non profit) and the black belt who was teaching that particular class, as well as all executive members of that club (again in the case of a non profit), and additionally the ICTF of Canada executive members. If negligence is found then the possibility of our policy not covering us would be present. This would mean that we would personally be liable and our personal property would be subject to the lawsuit. After the lawsuit was settled all other members of the policy would find that the policy fee would be increased due to a claim having been brought forward, or the policy may be cancelled in its entirety. This would mean that individual clubs would have to obtain their own insurance which would cost much more than our policy base rates.
policy intent
The policy states that it is intended to cover non contact or accidental touch contact martial arts only. Any other types of training at your club is not covered under this policy. If you have Zumba classes or weight training for example, they are not covered. In regards to the martial art training any negligent actions could be cause for a law suit. To ensure a complete understanding of this issue a list of examples is included at the end of this paragraph. The list is not 100% inclusive of all negligent actions, but is only a small sample.
- Allowing students to attempt techniques above their skill level
- White belts doing flying techniques
- Failing to wear protective gear while sparring
- Allowing senior belts to forgo helmets
- Allowing excessive contact to occur during sparring
- Allowing black belts to strike each other harder because of their skill level
- Allowing dangerous techniques to be used during sparring
- Including sweeps or throws
- Offering dangerous or questionable training methods during class
- Jumping over chairs in the dark
- Introducing different martial art styles into your curriculum
- Having a guest instructor from Aikido teach a seminar or class
- Using non Taekwon-do training tools
- Having weights available for members of your club
reporting protocol
Concerns dealing with possible negligent behavior can be brought to the attention of any ICTF Canada executive member through any means. Instructors, students, parents or peers can express their concerns.
The issue will be considered as factual until proven false.
First contact will be to the instructor of the club in question. They will be told of the issue and asked to explain it. If they confirm the action, sanction protocol will then be followed. If they deny the action further investigation will be considered.
Further investigation may include interviewing members of the club, additional questions to the complainant, or other means of verifying if the issue is false.
sanction protocol
Upon confirming a negligent action a letter of warning will be issued to the club in question. The letter will state the issue, demand immediate cessation of the action(s), advise the club of a reduction in the yearly membership bonus, and warn of the consequences of a second infraction of any kind. This letter will remain on file.
first offence – letter of warning, as per sanction protocol
- must outline the infraction
- must explain the evidence
- must advise that the action can not be done any more
- must inform the club of their new membership level
- must explain the consequences of a second offence of any kind
second offence – removal of club from the group policy